
Ready to join the movement? Register for the 2024 Ride today! 2 days, September 14-15 or 1 day, September 15, 2024. Mail registration is open now; online registration coming soon.

To register by phone:
Call 212.989.1111 or 866.858.6877 (toll free outside NYC) 

In-Person Rider fundraising minimums begin at


Virtual Rider incentives begin at


In-Person Rider Registration


Last year, our average Rider raised over


With our support, you'll be amazed how quickly you'll reach your goal. Don't delay! Space is strictly limited. 

Candy Samples



"Be a part of a life-changing experience and join us!"


Rider #39


"Fundraising was so much easier than I expected. Housing Works does amazing work that people want to support."


Rider #4


"I expected it to be challenging and rewarding, but I had no idea how much fun it would be!"